What we believe
In Relation to the Godhead
We believe in only one God, who exists in three distinct but co-equal and co-eternal Divine Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This by no means implies that the second Person is inferior to the first, and the third to both first and second. What is intended by the order is that the Son came forth from the Father, and the Holy Spirit came forth from the Father and the Son. There is no inferiority of Person.
In Relation to the Guidebook
The Holy Bible is the Word of God for all peoples and for all ages. We believe that it is the Divinely inspired, incorruptible, and unchanging volume, containing the loftiest truth of God for mankind. The Word is Divine, because it came from God. Men were chosen of God and guided by the Holy Spirit to write the infallible and inerrant words.
In Relation to the Gospel
Humanity is universally condemned and alienated from God as a result of the Fall in Eden. By birth and by practice, all men and women are sinners and equally guilty before God, and there is no exception. However, the atoning death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross – and His subsequent resurrection on the third day – is the only but all-sufficient basis of eternal salvation for all mankind. To escape eternal condemnation, and to have the forgiveness of sins and a place in heaven, each sinner must repent and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as his own Lord and Saviour by faith.
In Relation to the Gathering
We are a company of Christians gather only to the peerless and blessed Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are independent of any system, denomination, and organisation ordained by man. The presence of the Lord is the only attraction and focus of our gathering, and He alone claims the place of pre-eminence.
Our History
How it all began
2006 and prior
Brother Lim Beng Hup, who is a member of Paramount Gospel Hall, lives in Puchong Utama. He had a friend who professed to be saved and was interested to study the Bible. On a regular basis Beng Hup and his friend studied the Bible together. He was doing this in 2006 or earlier. He became exercised to see a work done for the Lord in Puchong. He made his exercise known to his brethren in Paramount Gospel Hall. They gave their blessing to Beng Hup as it was seen to be the commencement of an outreach work. John See was asked to help Beng Hup who later requested that Fong Gim Siew join in the work too. During this time the late Thomas Bentley was helping in the Bible Study and giving encouragement to the three brethren. After some months a house was made available for these brethren to use who in turn paid a rent to the owner. Since the brethren in Paramount supported the work, they provided the funds to meet the cost of renting the house.
In March the brethren were able to secure the lease of first floor of a shop lot in a new shopping area of Puchong Utama. This proved to be much more accessible from the public’s point of view. It was then that Sunday School and Bible Class commenced. These brethren and some younger brethren and sisters travelled to Puchong after the Sunday morning remembrance meeting in Paramount Gospel Hall to conduct meetings there.
As time passed, it was possible to have the preaching of the Gospel introduced after the Sunday School and Bible Class.
August 31, 2008 saw an assembly planted. There were sixteen believers gathered in the hall to remember the Lord that morning. They were:-
Mr and Mrs Fong Gim Siew, Mr and Mrs Vincent See, James See, Mr and Mrs John See, Mr and Mrs Shawn Lee, Ms Deborah Fong, Mr Alvin Chan, Ms Jennie Wong, Mr Ngelambai Muleng, Mr Timothy Ten, Ms Jayne Lee and Mr Tong Yen Xiu.
The new assembly regularized the meetings with Lord’s Supper on Sunday morning, followed by Sunday School and Bible Class, in the evening the Gospel was preached. On Tuesday night the assembly met for Prayer and Bible Reading.
In December 2012 the assembly relocated to Bandar Puteri another district of Puchong occupying the first floor of a leased shop-lot. This location was more central to Puchong and was more dynamic in that sense. The assembly was consolidating its presence with regular distribution of Gospel tract and expanding the Sunday School work. Monthly ministry meetings were introduced to encourage spiritual gift.
Helpful fellowship with teaching brethren from other assemblies was possible and these brethren were invited to minister to the saints. Every year the month of March was set aside so that a special series of Gospel meetings could be held with our beloved brother Gideon Khoo from the Kota Kemuning Assembly as the main speaker. Each night one of our own brethren shared the Gospel with Gideon. The assembly made sure the ground was prepared with distribution of invitation and Gospel leaflets, well before the commencement of these meetings. The assembly was blessed with visits from overseas brethren who attended Conferences organized by our brethren in Paramount Gospel Hall over the years, and latterly by brethren in Kota Kemuning Gospel Hall also.
The assembly’s exercise was to purchase a suitable building in the same area as over the years the Gospel and Sunday School work progressed. During this time an anonymous gift was received with the desire of the giver that it should go towards the purchase of a building. From that time on we began an evaluation of our resources with the objective to realize our God given desire. Thus, the search was on and we looked at nearby areas. Towards the end of the year, a building nearby was identified and the assembly was able to negotiate with the owner for the purchase of same.
In January the purchase of 87 Jalan Puteri 5/3 in Bandar Puteri, Puchong was completed.
It was decided that the existing building be converted from being one and a half- storey to a double-storey building.
Accordingly architectural plans were drawn up and a contractor was appointed and the building plans were submitted to MBSJ for approval.
2019 onward to the present
The building plans were approved in December 2019, whereupon the contractor commenced the renovation works in January 2020.
At the same time the coronavirus covid19 was about to hit us. Eventually on 18 March 2020 MCO was officially declared. In spite of the difficult times visited upon all of us, the contractor completed the renovation in June 2020. It remains then for the building to be inspected by MBSJ and the resultant CCC to be issued to us for occupation in due course. It was on 3 September 2021 that we received the certificate.
Occupation and use of our building now being permissible but with due observance of covid 19 SOP, the assembly gathered on Sunday 3 October for thanksgiving and prayers. The following Sunday we gathered to remember the Lord Jesus Christ in the Lord’s Supper meeting only.
It was decided that from January 2022 Gospel meetings should commence again on Sunday evenings.
God willing, we plan to also start our Prayer and Bible Reading meeting on Tuesday night from April 2022.
Sunday School work is in abeyance for the time being.
Matters of interest in relation to Puchong Utama Gospel Hall
The late servant of God, Thomas Bentley.
Tom Bentley from Northern Ireland served His Master from 1957 in Malaysia until he was called home to his reward on 9 June 2011.
He was very much involved with the assembly and laboured in Puchong over all these years.
How God provided the funds for the purchase of the property
That God worked in wondrous ways we have no doubt. We received the funds needed in so many different ways and from various individuals, institution and assemblies.
Paramount Gospel Hall
South Oakleigh Gospel Hall
Kota Kemuning Gospel Hall
The Lord’s work Trust
Anonymous gifts
Believers’ loans
Teaching and preaching brethren from home and abroad who had meetings with us.
October 2008
Brian Currie – Northern Ireland
March 2009
Stan Wells – Canada
April 2009
Howard Barnes – England
May 2009
David Oliver – America
December 2009
Eric McCullough – America
May 2010
Howard Barnes – England
Wesley Martin – Northern Ireland
June 2010
Brian Currie – Northern Ireland
August 2010
Gideon Khoo – Malaysia
Thomas Bentley – Northern Ireland
David Oliver – America
September 2010
Tan Teck Leng – Australia
October 2010
Jack Fung – Hong Kong
December 2010
Kevin Oh – England
April 2011
Howard Barnes – England
June 2011
Jackie Palmer – Northern Ireland
September 2011
Kevin Oh - England
October 2011
Gideon Khoo – Malaysia
November 2011
Howard Barnes – England
December 2011
Stan Wells – Canada
June 2012
Robin McKeown – Northern Ireland
William Banks – Scotland
March 2013
Gideon Khoo – Malaysia
May 2013
Howard Barnes – England
David McAllister – Eire
Brian Currie – Northern Ireland
Jackie Palmer – Northern Ireland
July 2013
David Gilliland – Northern Ireland
November 2014
Les Hills – Australia
May 2015
Brian Currie – Northern Ireland
Jackie Palmer – Northern Ireland
June 2015
Alan Summers – Scotland
Howard Barnes – England
William Skates – Canada
March 2016
Gideon Khoo – Malaysia
April 2016
Howard Barnes – England
May 2016
Paul Andrews – Northern Ireland
August 2016
Thomas Wilson – Scotland
March 2017
Gideon Khoo - Malaysia
May 2017
David Gilliland – Northern Ireland
Thomas Wilson – Scotland
March 2018
Gideon Khoo – Malaysia
May 2018
Brian Currie – Northern Ireland
Dan Rudge – England
Jackie Palmer – Northern Ireland
August 2018
Stan Wells – Canada
December 2018
David Gilliland – Northern Ireland
David McAllister – Eire
June 2019
Craig Munro – Scotland
December 2019
Alan Summers – Scotland
Believers who were baptized
September 2008
Gerald Lim
Isaac Low
Daniel Fong
Velerie Khen
Jeya and her three sons
March 2010
Jason Low
Simon and Rita
March 2014
Larry Quek
Daniel Kuan
August 2016
Dana Krishnan
Elizabeth Lee
April 2018
Vennie Wong
September 2018
Ian Quek
March 2020
Isobel Soo
Expatriate believers who worked in the Klang Valley
Anand and Keya with daughter Anora
Abey Kuruvila and Kathy
Northern Ireland
William Ussher
John See and family left to live and work in Sarawak
Vincent See, Nancy and James
Timothy Ten and Jayne Lee commended to USJ4 Gospel Hall
Larry Quek and Ian
Dana Krishnan
Isobela Stevenson
Daniel Kuan
Lee Kim Huat, Florence, Esther, Emilia, Elizabeth and Irene Tan.